12 minute AMRAP
15/10 Cal C2 Bike
6 Bar Muscle Ups
9 Dual DB Clean and Jerks 70/50
Masters Rx*
15/10 Cal C2 Bike
6 Bar Muscle Ups
9 Dual DB Clean and Jerks 50/35
Intermediate and Masters
15/10 Cal C2 Bike
12 Chest to Bar
9 Dual DB Clean and Jerks 50/35
12/8 Cal C2 Bike
2-4-6 etc Pull Up Ladder
6 Dual DB Clean and Jerks 50/35
Revised 4/3/23
13 Minute Cap
6 Rounds
Rx and Masters Rx**
3 Front Squat @ 245/165
3 BBJO 30/24"
21 Drag Rope Double Unders
in Remaining time...
3 Rep Front Squat
Intermediate and Masters*
3 Front Squat @ 205/135*
3 BBJO 30/24"
21 Drag Rope Double Unders
in Remaining time...
3 Rep Front Squat
3 Front Squat @ 155/105*
3 BBJO 24/20"
21 Drag Rope Single Unders
in Remaining time...
3 Rep Front Squat
*revised 3.23.23
**revised 3/28/23
6 minute cap
Rx and Masters Rx
Axle Deadlift @ 240/170
25 foot handstand walk each round
Intermediate and Masters
Axle Deadlift @ 220/150
Single DB Overhead Lunge - 25 feet
(50/35 lbs)
Axle Deadlift @ 170/130
Single DB Front Rack Lunge - 25ft
(35/25 lbs)
30 Snatch Reps for Time
Rx and Masters Rx: 135/95
Intermediate and Masters: 115/75
Scaled: 95/55
10 Rounds
:40 On, :20 Off
Evens: Max Wallballs
Odds: Max Shuttle runs
This will be a two scored event consisting of total Wall Ball reps and total Shuttle Run Reps
Wall Ball Weight
Scaled: 10/14
All Other Divisions: 14/20
What You Need to Know
Athletes start at the Bike.
At 3,2,1 Go athletes will perform their set amount of calories until completed they will then advance to the rig and perform 2 pull-ups. When the pull-ups are done they will advance to the dumbbells and perform their set amount of clean and jerks. Once the athlete finishes their clean and jerks they will then start the round over at the bike again. Once the bike calories are complete they will then advance to the rig where they will then perform 4 repetitions of the pull-up, moving on to the dumbbells afterwards. They will continue in this fashion and add reps to their pull-ups (by 2) each round until time is called at 12 minutes.
Everyone else:
Athletes start on the Bike.
At 3,2,1 Go athletes will perform their set amount of calories until completed they will then advance to the rig and perform their next movement (12 Chest-to-Bar pull-ups for intermediate and masters, 6 Bar muscle-ups for Rx and Rx Masters)
They will continue going through rounds until time is called at 12 minutes.
Score is total repetitions within the 12 minutes.
Athletes may start behind their squat rack.
At 3,2,1 Go athletes will begin performing their 3 front squats to standard. They will then re-rack the barbell on the squat stands and advance down the lane towards their box. They will then perform the box jump overs until the reps are complete. They will then advance to the jump rope and complete their 21 repetitions of drag rope. Once complete they will then move back to the front squat and continue this manner until they have completed 6 full rounds.
In any remaining time the athletes have the opportunity to lift as much weight as possible in a 3 rep max of the front squat. They may take as many attempts as they’d like.
NOTE: All athletes will have the same weight and the same types of plates loaded before the start of the workout. Athletes will be the only ones loading when it comes time to their 3RM.
When you are walked out by the athlete wrangler it is your responsibility to tell the crew members assigned to you at which height you need your squat rack. Athletes will rack the barbell while the crew member/judge adjusts the height.
Collars must be used at all times.
If the barbell is dropped the athlete must clean the barbell up on their own either by removing weights to pick it up or cleaning it as is. A squat clean does not count as a front squat.
At 3,2,1 Go athletes will advance down their lane and complete their first set of rope climbs followed by their first set of deadlifts. Once the deadlift set is complete the athlete will move the bar to the next station. They will continue the sequence as prescribed. If an athlete finishes their final set of rope climbs and deadlifts before the time cap they will run down and knock over their pylon for time.
Wipe down barbells
Ensure correct weights are on the floor
Reset weights/lanes
Movement Standards:
Traditional deadlift only - sumo is not allowed.
Starting with the barbell on the floor, the athlete lifts the bar until the hips and knees reach full extension, and the head and shoulders are behind the bar.
Mixed grip or overhand grip is allowed.
Rope Climb
No jumping is allowed for any division-IF ATHLETE JUMPS IT WILL BE A NO REP.
Standard rope climbs for all divisions except scaled which will be Modified.
Climb to the top of the rope and touch the top of the rig.
Controlled descent the whole way down- IF YOU JUMP DOWN IT WILL BE A NO REP.
Athletes start on the event floor in front of their bars.
At 3,2,1 Go athletes will start performing their prescribed reps until complete or time cap. Time is called when the last rep is locked out.
Wipe down bars
Switch out plates and ensure correct weights are used
Movement Standards:
Bar will start on the ground- NO HANG SNATCHES ARE ALLOWED.
Movement ends with the athlete in full extension with the bar locked out overhead at the top of the rep.
Power, split & squat snatch are allowed.
Controlled drops. Do not throw the barbell down.
Athletes start behind the rig in front of wall ball and target.
At 3,2,1 Go athletes will pick up their ball and perform as many wall balls as possible in 40 seconds. When time is called they will proceed to the starting line for the next 40 second interval of shuttle runs. This is repeated until all 5 rounds of each movement are completed. Score will be total reps between both movements with each rep counting as one rep. 0.5 will be added if the athlete crosses the halfway mark on the shuttle run.